Boris Nicolai
qualified for the Paralympics in Tokyo / mechanical engineering technician
For two weeks I have been working exclusively in the home office. Due to my muscle disease I belong to the risk group, my colleagues continue to work mainly in the office. For me it is still difficult to realize what is happening. Even my parents, who have twice the life experience of me, have never experienced anything like this. We have the strictest restrictions in my home in Saarland. Contact is only possible with your spouse/partner as well as the people living in the own household. These are already bad cuts which are made and which must be carried first of all by the citizens and also by me.
I am mainly at home at the moment. Sport is another important point in my life. I qualified for the Paralympics in Tokyo this year. The games have now been postponed for a year. I welcome that too, because fair preparation is not possible at the moment. Many Paralympic athletes also belong to the risk group in case of the Covid-19 virus. At the moment there are no training possibilities outside of my own four walls for me. I am currently training at home. I have expanded my training equipment. When the weather is good, I use my active wheelchair with auxiliary drive to exercise in the fresh air, alone of course, with a safety distance, according to regulations. In my environment most people are understanding and sensitive.
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