Martina Arnold from PARAVAN had become aware of an appeal by the association asking for donations in the context of the anniversary year. The background is the purchase of a new uniform for the 38 active musicians. "The current uniform dates from 1974," reports board member Steffen Vopper, who is responsible for the musical area.
The musicians have approached members, friends and supporters of the association. They need just over 30,000 euros for the new equipment. For PARAVAN GmbH, it was a matter of the heart to support the project. "We like to support the clubs in the region, especially since some colleagues also come from Wilsingen," says Martina Arnold. "Especially in these difficult times, it is important to support the clubs so that club life does not fall by the wayside after the Corona restrictions."
The new uniform model is deliberately intended to resemble the old one. "The recognition effect and tradition were important to us. The current model is pretty worn out after almost 50 years in use," says Vopper, thanking the club for the generous donation. "The response to our appeal for donations has been very positive so far. The beginning has been made. The Musikverein Wilsingen offers music lovers an extensive program in its anniversary year. For the anniversary concert at the traditional Sichelhenke in September, the uniform will be worn for the first time.