Due to the current warning level in Baden-Württemberg, access to our buildings for customers, escorts and suppliers is only permitted in accordance with the 3G rule. For those tested, either a rapid antigen test, not older than 24 hours or a PCR test, not older than 48 hours applies. Exceptions to this rule are only possible in accordance with the Corona Land Ordinance (https://www.baden-wuerttemberg.de/de/service/aktuelle-infos-zu-corona/aktuelle-corona-verordnung-des-landes-baden-wuerttemberg/). The corresponding proofs must be seen by our staff. Unfortunately, persons with corresponding symptoms of illness, e.g. increased temperature, cold symptoms, are currently not allowed to enter. Protecting the health of our customers, guests, employees and suppliers is most important to us. The aim of the extended hygiene measures is to further minimise the risk of infection for all those involved and still guarantee ongoing operations. By adhering to the above-mentioned protective measures (3 G rule, wearing a mask, keeping your distance, hygiene), we can offer our customers and guests our full range of advice and services.
Nevertheless, please contact our mobility or service advisors by telephone first before visiting us at PARAVAN Mobility Park Aichelau or our Heidelberg branch. You can find the relevant contact numbers here:
Together we can master this difficult challenge. Let's be considerate of each other, wear mouth and nose protection and keep our distance! Thank you for your understanding and trust and above all: stay healthy!